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Abuse: Any attempt to exert power and control over someone. Abuse is a pattern in which one individual (whether an intimate partner or person with authority) uses fear, intimidation, violence, or other harm to control another.


Abuse involves coercion, control, or exploitation by another person. Abuse might include: manipulation and exploitation, accountability enforced by threats, censorship of decision-making, coercion to conform, and the inability to ask questions or voice disagreement.


There are many types of abuse which can include but not limited to: physical abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, financial abuse, child abuse, elderly abuse and domestic violence abuse.


Abuse can cause serious trauma and have a significant impact on your mental health. People who experience abuse often feel ashamed or isolated, and may wonder if they deserve to be treated badly. Abuse is never the fault of the victim. Abuse is always the fault of the perpetrator. It’s important to remember that abuse is never your fault.





There are two types of Spiritual Abuse. Religious Abuse and Relationship Abuse. Spiritual abuse can come from a faith leader or a partner (spouse/friend) who uses spiritual or religious beliefs or doctrine to exert power over you.

Spiritual abuse is not limited to organizations (church), remember we all are born with a body, soul and spirit (spirit of man). Religious abuse can happen when faith and beliefs are manipulated to take power and control over us.

One key example is a religious leader mis-interrupting scripture to coerce or control the behavior of members of the organization. Spiritual abuse can involve verbal, emotional, and/or physical violence.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Website: (chat)

Call: 800-799-SAFE (7233)


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